Time of Year to Plant Tomatoes

Depending on the climate, tomatoes may be started indoors from seeds, either straight sowed outside or set out as transplants. But timing is everything when planting tomatoes, and is dependent on where you live and the system of planting.

When to Sow Seeds Outdoors

The very best time to sow seeds directly into the garden is after all danger of frost and soil has warmed, usually in May. Prepare the soil by amending with compost, peat moss or leaf mould, and intensely spade or plow the region. When sowing seeds, then place three seeds at a 1/2-inch-deep hole with 1 inch between holes. Thin the plants once seedlings grow big enough to handle safely, spacing seedlings 18 to 36 inches away and leaving 24 to 48 inches between rows.

When to Start Seeds Indoors

Provide extra protection for tomatoes plants by starting seeds indoors four to eight weeks prior to planting outside. February is a fantastic time to sow seeds inside. When planting inside, use a light potting mix and plant seeds 1/2 inch deep. The seeds germinate well when kept evenly moist, warm and with six to eight hours of sunlight each day. The ideal indoor temperature is between 70 and 80 F. Should you use a potting mix without fertilizer added, feed the newly planted tomatoes using diluted, all-purpose water-soluble fertilizer every 2 weeks; a half-strength mixture is greatest.

When to Set out Tomato Plants

The best time to set out tomato plants is after danger of frost, which is usually everywhere in April, May or early June. If you began boating inside, the seedlings should be approximately 6 to 8 inches tall and hardened off before transplanting outside. Plant them two inches deeper than they have been in the pot to help build a strong root system. Water the plants thoroughly before replanting. In case you’ve got tall, leggy plants, plant them horizontally, so that only the top two leaves demonstrate.

Care of Newly Planted Tomatoes

Tomatoes need proper irrigation to thrive, but also much water may clean available nutrients from the ground. To avoid over- or underwatering, water tomatoes deeply once a week, but never allow soil to dry out. Tomatoes need 1 to 2 inches of rainfall or supplemental irrigation weekly. Always water tomatoes at the base of the stem and also prevent wetting leaves, as this helps prevent infection. Maintain the place weeded, because weeds compete with plants for soil moisture and nutrients. A 3- to 4-inch layer of mulch helps inhibit grass development and maintain soil moisture.

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