Bagworms on Shrubs

More than one species of plant is famous by the common title of “arborvitae,” including several Thuja species and cultivars of Platycladus occidentalis. Arborvitae is a flexible shrub in the backyard, where it may be pruned in to squares globes and other types or employed as a specimen plant or hedge. While several bugs have arborvitae on their menus, bagworms (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis) are one of the most harmful to the plant.

Caterpillar Identification

Bagworms are brownish caterpillars that will grow up to 1-inch long. The caterpillars weave bags, or casings, as they feed. The bags include segments of clean plant materials that the caterpillar shops in the very top of the bag. Bags aren’t huge, but you might find numerous bags if the infestation on the arborvitae is hefty. Each spindle shaped bag from the the and twigs. of arborvitae’s dangles is up to 2 1/2 inches long and Bagworms usually consider their bags together as they go on to to feeding locations that are clean. The bag is never left by bagworms. Males really are a moth that visits the bag to mate with all the female, who dies and lays up to 1000 eggs.


Caterpillars usually feed in the very best of the shrub that is arborvitae . The caterpillars defoliate or can eliminate small to huge parts of of the shrub, leaving ugly patches or spindly stems of dead foliage. Stems and arborvitae branches usually die. In the event the bagworm infestation is left unchecked and large, the entire shrub might die.

Mechanical Handle

In the event the infestation on the shrub that is arborvitae is mild enough, grab a pair of scissors and snip the bags. Dispose of the bags away in the garden burn them to destroy the bagworms, or so the caterpillars can not find their way again. Before the eggs hatch, culling is greatest from late fall to early spring. When the shrub that is arborvitae is tall or wide and you’re not able to reach the bags, the bags should be knocked by a difficult spray from a hose . Collect the bags that are fallen and dump these.

Biological and Chemical Handle

A hefty infestation demands a hand and can threaten the life span of the shrub. Spray the arborvitae’s foliage with all the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) after the larvae have hatched but while the caterpillars are still-young. This therapy requires a day or two to perform, but is typically risk-free for helpful bugs and birds. The bagworms consume handled foliage, sicken and die. Bagworms are, fed on by an advantageous nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae. The nematodes should be sprayed to the bags ahead of her eggs are laid by the the feminine bagworm. Chemical pesticides containing cyfluthrin, spinosad or trichlorfon could also be used to get a handle on bagworm infestations. Bagworms typically devote the night within their bags, s O spray in evening or the morning, while the caterpillars are nonetheless out feeding. Contact the closest co-operative extension support workplace for the most present guidance on which pesticides are most efficient and safest on bagworms in your region.

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