The Way to Get Rid of a Lien on Home

If you don’t check your credit report periodically, you might not understand that there is a lien from the house until you apply for credit or try to sell it. A lien is a sort of security for an unpaid debt, and it can be set on a home, an auto, a boat, a business or any other sort of property with significant cash value. It basically keeps the property from being sold until the debt is paidoff. There are several types of liens; the most common are mechanic’s liens, tax liens and judgment liens.

Consult with an attorney if you feel that you don’t owe the debt which the lien is procuring.

Repay the debt to the lien holder in the event the debt is legitimate. Occasionally an lawyer can negotiate a payoff.

Ask that the lien holder sign that a Release-of-Lien type in the presence of a notary public. Release-of-Lien forms are available from attorneys, the county clerk’s office and on the internet.

File the Release-of-Lien form in the office of the county recorder. This produces the discharge a matter of public record. There is generally a charge for this particular.

Maintain an official replica of the Release-of-Lien type in a safe location, for your records.

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