Trees That Stink

Trees should add beauty to the garden, but trees shouldn’t be selected based on appearances alone. Trees like Bradford pears (Pyrus calleryana “Bradford”), maidenhair tree, tree of heaven and Chinese chestnut provide beautiful foliage or blooms, but the offensive scents emitted by their flowers or fruit can be a nuisance. These trees work best on large properties where they are enjoyed from a space but must be avoided if you have close neighbors.

Bradford Pears

Bradford pear is a cultivar of the callery pear and is increased in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Trees develop a pyramidal shape up to 50 feet tall and 35 feet wide, with a brilliant display of white flowers in early spring and leaves of crimson, yellow and orange in autumn. Unfortunately, despite their visual appearance, the flowers are famous for filling the air with a scent likened to rotting fish, one of other descriptors. The scent fades with the blooms, but because Bradford pears commonly line city roads, the collective scent might be too much to handle. Other flowering fruit alternatives for USDA zones 8 through 10 include flowering crabapple (Malus spp.) and Taiwan flowering cherry (Prunus campanulata).

Maidenhair Trees

Maidenhair trees (Ginkgo biloba), grown in USDA zones 4 through 9, are one of the oldest known tree species, having existed in its present form for more than 230 thousand decades. The maidenhair name comes in the thin veins on the fan-shaped leaves. These 50- to 80-foot trees display bright yellow foliage in autumn to fill the garden with shade. Female trees begin producing fruit after approximately 20 decades. The fruit creates a slimy mess when it falls into the bottom, and also the contaminated fruit odor is often compared to rotten eggs and vomit. This should not turn you off of Gingko trees completely because male tree do not produce fruit. Select nursery-grown cultivars like “Fastigiata,” “Autumn Gold,” “Lakeview” and “Sentry,” which are made of cuttings of plants that are male to guarantee the sex.

Tree of Heaven

Grown in USDA zones 2 through 11, tree of heaven is one of the easiest trees to grow since it tolerates extreme cold and heat and adapts to a broad selection of soils. Though its common name would indicate tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) lacks some imperfections, the informal nickname, stink tree, perhaps better characterizes this particular tree. Both female and male trees develop yellow-green flowers. Male trees produce approximately four times as many blooms as feminine trees, but the male flowers smell awfully foul and attract insects. To prevent this issue, pick nursery trees grown from root cuttings of a female tree. Seeds self-sow readily, which makes the tree potentially dangerous. Although several trees might grow from decreased seed around your ailanthus, you cannot predict the sex and ought to eliminate atom as they develop.

Military Coat

Chinese chestnut trees (Castanea mollissima) boom in USDA zones 4 through 8 in which they are grown for their medium-sized, edible nuts. Trees adapt to the majority of well-drained ground types and grow 40 to 60 feet tall. Besides the spiny nuts, Chinese chestnut contains big, glossy leaves with serrated edges with sharp teeth. Its yellow or white flowers bloom in early summer, filling the air with a strong odor that would be off-putting if planted too near a home. Male and female trees produce flowers, but just the male flowers stink. Should you grow Chinese chestnut just as an ornamental, you can choose a female tree, but equally a female and male tree is required for permeable nut creation.

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