What Exactly Does a June Bug Look Like?

Also called May beetles, June bugs aren’t really bugs at all, but clumsy beetles that belong into the Scarab family. Adult June bugs only cause foliage feeding damage on crops, trees and plants ; june insect larva, however, can be a serious nuisance on lawns. Identifying the pests can help you choose the ideal course of action to prevent further harm.

Brown Beetles

The Phyllophaga genus comprises more than 400 species of June insects, making identification between species. As with other scarab beetles, June bugs are oval-shaped, with six legs and antennae that are fat. They may be black, brown or maroon, and are involving 1/2 and 1 inch long. Their undersides are hairy. June bugs are most active in June and May . The beetles are attracted to lights at night, and if not feeding, will bump into porch lights.

Seeing Green

Green June beetles are different in appearance than other June insect species. Their bodies are brown or green, and the wings are striped with a green vertical line margined with yellowish orange. Their undersides are metallic and shiny, and may be green or gold. They may be around 1 1/2 inches long, with a small horn on the head. Green June beetles are also called fig eaters because of their love of figs.

Watch Out for Larvae

Larvae generally wreak more havoc in the backyard than mature beetles. Most larvae are between 3/4 inch and 2 inches long. In addition they have brown heads and three pairs of legs. Based on the species, June bug larvae can survive underground for one to four years, feeding on plant roots. Known as”white grubs,” June bug larvae makes a favorite fishing lure in the spring, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Search and Destroy

Insecticides are not warranted for June bugs that are mature, according to the University of Florida Extension. Placing a bucket beneath trees with a few inches of water and a few drops of liquid soap in it might help trap the pests. Even with minimal turf damage predators such as mammals and birds may take care of the problem for larvae-infested lawns. Apply an insecticide containing imidacloprid or halofenozide in early summer removing as much thatch as possible from the yard to allow for complete penetration, if harm is year annually. Apply take appropriate security precautions, and premixed goods in accordance with the label instructions, such as employing on a day with no wind or very little and wearing gloves.

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