What sort of Animal Will Eat My Strawberries From My Garden:

If birds and other pests are crushing your dreams of strawberry fields forever, take heart. Many animals love eating strawberries (Fragaria spp.) , but it is possible to slow the path of destruction. Sometimes, growing strawberries in a pot or patch near the house is sufficient to discourage visitors. In other cases, you might have to construct a chicken wire structure to send the message that trespassers are not welcome.

Furry Fiends

Squirrels, raccoons and deer are opportunistic marauders that will happily eat your own strawberries. Repellent sprays offer some protection, even though they have to be reapplied frequently, especially after rainfall or watering. These work best if you live in a dry climate and use drip irrigation in order that the plants remain dry. Dogs occasionally sample strawberries and dig the plants up.

Feathered Flocks

Most small mammals, including robins, crows and blue jays, believe strawberries, which develop in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10, a particular treat and appear to have a knack for knowing when the berries are only ripe. Even though you’re able to hang metallic tape or tape tins close to the berry spot to frighten birds away, these tactics generally offer only a temporary solution since the birds quickly become used to them.

Crafty Solutions

The most effective solution is to use exclusion or barrier methods that make it impossible for animals and birds to achieve the berries. Spread chicken wire with 1-inch holes above the berries to keep birds away from them, although this method won’t work for raccoons and squirrels that can crawl right under the cable. An alternative is to make a wooden frame or PVC pipe hoop tunnel. Staple or tie the chicken wire to the frame and secure the framework above the berries. To harvest the strawberries, just lift the framework from the way.

Invertebrate Invaders

Sensors are smaller and less obvious than birds and mammals, but they can cause significant damage to your strawberries. Slugs, snails, earwigs and aphids are all common pests. Bury a shallow bowl of beer in the ground level close to the strawberries to attract and drown slugs and snails. Put rolled up sheets of newspaper in the strawberries to capture earwigs that like to guard there. Gather and destroy the papers each morning. To dispatch aphids, spray strawberry leaves thoroughly with insecticidal soap. Apply a ready-to-use insecticidal soap, covering the tops and bottoms of the leaves on a cool, overcast day. Applying it on a sunny day can burn the strawberry plants. Insecticidal soap is safer than many pesticides. Similar to other detergents and soaps, it causes skin and eye irritation and vomiting or indigestion if ingested. Gently wash fruit that’s been treated with insecticidal soap before consuming it.

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